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Good and Evil


5 December 2024

Practitioners: Anna Biczók, Dafne Giannikopoulou, Eliott Marmouset, Israel Aloni, Jonas Murman, Malin Stattin, Mikko Duvaldt, Omer Keinan, pavleheidler, Vincent Jonsson

Director: Korina Kordova Videographer: Anna Fransson

Our shared form-of-practice was facilitated by pavleheidler.

For about forty-minutes, pavle told stories - about the body (drawing on Body Mind Centering), about their experiences of dancing and performing, about life. During that time, the light were turned off and the practitioners were invited to practice as they wish, to work freely with the guidance of pavle's voice. Then, for an additional ten-minutes, pavle put on some upbeat music and invited the group to dance, following their desire for movement and relating to the other practitioners in the space.

In our closing discussion, we spoke about the transition from this rather open form to the structured improvisation session. The change in relation to spectatorship, stimuli, social interaction; the shift in the kind of playing and how different practitioners adjusted to it. It felt to me that the overall practicing allowed for a very fluent and vivid discussion.

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